iceseh → seiche
wbea rrhvoa → harbor wave
Idlisaen → landslide
(I'm not even sure if there's a glitch with this unscrambled word because the most you can scramble with it is only 7 letters instead of 8)
fooear Is → Sea-floor
Однажды один ученик
Головою поник,
Потому-что не знал карту,
Поэтому и сел обратно за парту.
Eighth graders should use a variety of “strategy tools,” including:
Classifying information.
Defining terms.
Using subject-specific, academic, and transition vocabulary words.
Quoting sources.
Incorporating factual details.
Making comparisons.
Contrasting different situations.
Explaining cause-and-effect relationships.
Hi laura Ucze nice name u have!