A vignette<span> is a scene or a descriptive sketch. It might focus on a single moment or an image, or it may give a particularly distinct impression of a character or setting. A</span>vignette<span> is a snapshot or a glimpse. ... A </span>vignette<span> differs from a </span>short story<span> in that it doesn't necessarily have all the elements of plot.</span>
Opinions, information and influence s.
A strong feeling of sadness
Transcript of "Hope<span>, </span>Despair and Memory" Excerpts from Elie Wiesel's Nobel Prize Lecture "Hope<span>, </span>Despair and Memory<span>" Without </span>memory<span>, our existence would be barren and opaque, like a prison cell into which no light penetrates; like a tomb which rejects the living.</span>
I'd say letter choice C... and i luv moonlight sonota btw! <3