the patriots I think but it's probably not lol
If everyone has a job or is employed one way or the other it will affect the economy because everyone will be able to fend for themselves and also because the economy will be a developed economy because everyone is employed with good jobs. If everyone is able to have jobs then high crime rate in the country will reduce because the crime rate made by people are from those who are unemployed so if there is employment in the country it will hep the society, the community and the economy in different ways. Thank you for the question
Only photographs. There was little technology around, so photograph were really around at that point in time
Try talking to them. See if they really want this or not, and try to convince them to get out. If it's a serious problem including abuse contact your police department.
intervening variable
A hypothesis variable used to expound causal relationships between different variables is an intervention variable. In an experiment, intervening variables can not really be tested (this is why they are hypothesized). There is, for instance, a correlation between a poor person and a shorter life span.