The flow of energy in an ecosystem is best described as energy moving in one direction from the sun to the producers then to the consumers.
Energy flow is the amount of energy that moves through successive trophic levels of a food chain in an ecosystem. Ecosystem maintain themselves by cycling energy and nutrients.
The energy from sunlight is taken up by producers which use it to produce organic compounds through photosynthesis. The energy is then passed successively to the trophic levels, that is from the producers to the consumers ( primary, secondary, tertiary and quotienary consumers). During this transfer some energy is lost at each trophic level in form of heat.
.dont taste or sniff chemical
Tasting and smelling some chemicals can be dangerous and even deadly.the best way to know what is in a container is to label
. Don't play mad scientists
This result in mixing chemcals to see what happens the result could be explosion ,fires,or releasing toxic chemicals
.Dress for the lab
This is a safety rule because clothing is one of your best form of protection against an accident wear covered shoes,long pants,and keep your hair tied so it cant fall into your experiment
Once the alcohol goes into our system, an ounce of it is process for a period of one hour.
The first stop happens in the stomach where absorption through the gastric lining and bloodstream occurs. Stronger drinks are absorbed more quickly. The second stop happens in the brain where its function decreases/ is increasingly impaired as the BAC or blood alcohol content grows. The third stop will be in the heart. However, it should be noted that it does not receive any physical alcohol, but its effects on the heart are strong. Alcohol is a vasodilator which means it causes blood vessels to dilate. This indicates more blood flow through the body-- but lowers the overall blood pressure. The fourth stop will be in the kidneys where blood is filtered. The fifth stop will be in the bladder where it will excreted from the body. Lastly, the liver is where the rest of alcohol left in your system is broken down. This process is known as metabolizing. The chemical that remains after metabolization is acetaldehyde and the body gets rid it by further metabolizing it into carbon dioxide and water.
Therefore, an ounce of alcohol is processed in our body for 60 minutes or one hour.
i think that if you use antibiotics your body wouldn't get exposed to the bacteria as much as if you got sick, making your body more dependent on the meds because your body hasn't produced the antibody's against the bacteria