He was the first croatian ruler whom the papal chancellery honored with the title "king"
The following that did not take place place during the Gilded Age (1877–1890) are these:
Civil War and Reconstruction (1861–1865)
(1865–1877); the Great California Gold Rush (1849)
major religious revivals (Religious Revivalism: 1800–1850).
The amendment right important for democracy is the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government holds the government accountable.
In a democratic form of government, the citizens of the country are given utmost importance and the government works for the betterment of the people of the country. The people are provided with certain rights which give them liberty and freedom and hold the government accountable. It prevents the government from misusing it's power.
The first amendment of the constitution provides such rights which are very important for the government to hold accountable and for democracy. Those rights are the right to speech, press, assembly and the right to petition the government and the right to seek redress of grievances.
they believe more in the country
they believe more in the country