Las figuras autoritarias viven con el temor constante de no obtener, tener, conservar o perder la autoridad. Su validez tiene que venir de afuera, requiriendo la cooperación, voluntaria o temerosa, de aquellos que están subordinados. Las figuras de autoridad, por otro lado, derivan su validez de elementos de sí mismos, su carácter, conocimiento, experiencia y habilidades, su elección de cómo, cuándo, dónde y en nombre de quién ejercer esa autoridad. Su validez debe provenir de ellos mismos para ser auténticamente procesables
The correct answer is B. Smaller
The senate consists of 2 people per each state, while the number of representatives is chosen according to the national census. The more people the state has, the more representatives it will have, which is why there are now 400+ members of the house of representatives.
it is true, students learn from this hypocrisies because educational institutions, constitute of students and their reputation. Their reputation is a reality not ideals, once there are news or inappropriate information about an educational institution is affects the public face of the students. so student tend to know more about an institution before they decide to attend such school, Yes some information are hypocrisies but one must learn from them as a student so that it guides them.
ANSWER: "whistleblower" .