If a researcher is seeking clear, unambiguous answers, the
type of data that the researcher is likely seeking is a survey. Surveys are comprises
with clear and unambiguous answers in which each respondent who participated
provides the answer of each questions placed on the questionnaire.
When a glacier retreats, and the sea fills the resulting valley floor.
Describe Weber's ideal type of bureaucracy and his concept of the "iron cage"
KEY POINTS<span><span>Weber listed several preconditions for the emergence of bureaucracy: the growth in size of the population being administered, the growth in complexity of the administrative tasks being carried out, and the existence of a monetary economy requiring a more efficient administrative system.</span><span>Weber identified in bureaucracies a <span>rational-legal </span>authority in which legitimacy is seen as coming from a legal order and the laws enacted within it. This is contrasted with traditional forms of authority, which arose from phenomena like kinship.</span><span>Rationalization describes a transition in society, wherein traditional motivators of behavior, like values, beliefs, and emotions, are replaced with rational calculations.</span><span>Weber termed the increasing rationalization in Western societies an "iron cage" that traps individuals in systems based solely on efficiency, rational calculation and control.</span></span>TERMS<span><span>ideal typeAn ideal type is not a particular person or thing that exists in the world, but an extreme form of a concept used by sociologists in theories. For example, although there is not a perfectly "modern" society, the term "modern" is used as an ideal type in certain theories to make large-scale points.</span><span>Rational-legal authorityA form of leadership in which the authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to legal rationality, legal legitimacy and bureaucracy.</span><span>iron cagea theory proposed by Max Weber which argues that rationalization and rules trap humans in a figurative "cage" of thought based on rational calculationsi dont know if this will help but its what i got