<h3><em>Answer:</em></h3><h3><em>Some Factors are as follows :</em></h3><h3><em>Explanation:</em></h3><h3><em>Lack of markets</em></h3><h3><em> Poor infrastructure</em></h3><h3><em> Poor leadership</em></h3><h3><em>Bad governance</em></h3><h3><em> Lack of skills</em></h3><h3><em>Lack of capital, and others.</em></h3>
This is a really interesting question because the answer is highly disputed. Obviously Australia doesn't have the economic strength of Europe or the North American Free Trade Agreement, but between the two, it can be measured in different ways, many people would suggest that EU is in fact bigger, but by measure of GDP, the EU is dominated by NAFTA with a per capita GDP of just over $21k in comparison to EU28's which is just over $18k
I would suggest that it is NAFTA at the moment but this answer might be subject to change in the future,
Answer: C. Sympathetic nervous system
Explanation: The sympathetic nervous system is a part of the involuntary or autonomic nervous system, this is the system in the body that regulates the blood pressure, body temperature, pupil dilation, sweating and all the involuntary actions. It helps adjust the body fast enough to take action or react to stimuli without consciousness. When in the face of danger, let say for example, a snake coming towards you, a car coming towards you or hearing disturbing sounds in the dark. You next action or respond will be either to stand and fight or run away, The system responsible for that action (fight or flight) is the sympathetic nervous system.
Answer: The pundit is using a NATIONAL DEFENSE ARGUMENT to justify the trade restriction.
Explanation: National defense argument is when someone is using the security of the nation to defend his argument, to be very important as the security of the nation is very important.
This type of argument always tends to use the fallacy of red herring to convince his audience about his argument. The argument sounds to be important as it used red herring to relate it's point to the security of the nation during wartime.
The pundit politician has used the fallacy of red herring to relate it's reason of increment in the tariff of semiconductor importation, to the security of the nation during war times. Therefore this is a national security argument.