Edaphon, Leaf litter and earthworm
- Edaphon is the general term used to reffer to the animals and plants present in the soil.
- On the other hand, there is not only one name for the fallen leaves on the forest floor. It could be either plant litter, leaf litter or even tree littler. Although the name suggests it is only leaves, this <u>plant litter</u> could include leaves, barks and twigs that can fall off a tree.
- The edaphon its made up of thousands of organisms including a huge number of bacteria, fungi, and arthropods. A good example of organisms living in the soil is an earthworm. Earthworms crawl through the soil feeding from it, digesting part of the organic material and fertilizing it with their excrement.
Mineral C
Mineral C can scratch apalite, due to its higher hardness, but can be scratched BY feldspar due to it being slightly lower than feldspar.
The correct answer is - it is essential to produce red blood cell and development of the spinal cord and brain.
Folic acid is natural form of vitamin B9 which is essential for producing red blood cells therefore the level of this vitamin should be in proper amount as in fetuses it is crucial for the various organs to develop,
The neural tube, spinal cord, and brain growth requires appropriate amount of folic acid in pregnant women. Low level of this vitamin can leads to the risk of various disease in baby
Thus, the correct answer is -it is it is essential to produce red blood cell and development of the spinal cord and brain.
Without agriculture my life would be different as I would not have acsess to all these fresh fruot and vegetables we have today. Our diets would have to adapt to more unnatural food, and our bodies would not be as healthy as they are now.
Their mitochondria do not have an electron trasnport chain and so cannot funciton in aerobic respiration.
Electron Transport Chain (ETC) essentially makes the energy required for respiration.
Hope this helps