When CO2 is breathed into the lungs, it dissolves in the water there, diffuses across the alveolar-capillary membrane, and enters the bloodstream. As it combines with water, it forms carbonic acid, making the blood acidic. So CO2 in the bloodstream lowers the blood pH.
Answer: c. grass (producer)
Answer: Although the Moon appears to shine, it does not emit light. Instead, we can see the Moon because it is lit up by the Sun.
The part of the Moon that is both sunlit and facing Earth is called the Moon's phase.
As the Moon orbits Earth, the Moon's phase changes. The model below shows the Moon's phase at eight positions in its orbit. The smaller moons closer to Earth show where sunlight hits the Moon. The larger moons farther from Earth show how the Moon will look during that phase.
Errors can occur when the chromosomes segregate into the gametes during meiosis resulting in egg or sperm with too many or too few chromosomes. As a result, fertilised eggs and the ensuing embryos may have trisomy (an extra chromosome of a particular pair) in each cell or monosomy (one chromosome fewer in each cell).
The distribution of living things is biogeography. bio means living and geography means location