D. He was an intolerant leader who did not respect other people's beliefs.
Throughout Shi HuangDi's lifetime, he did may horrible things to many of the people living in China at that time, and even though he accomplished some great things like building the biggest part of the Great Wall of China, there are many accounts saying that the death toll of such a great project was more than 40,000. Other than that, he also murdered all of the scholars/teachers at the time and burned all of the books he could find. Other things he did include deporting/executing the former aristocrats/lords of the other states, and overtaxed his people.
More airplanes, new ships, more tanks.
Spain, Portugal, England and France all wanted to establish territories in the Western Hemisphere. The reasons were to gain more territory and to take advantage of all the raw resources found in the New World, Especially gold and silver along with timber and other resources. It was for a Competition of the Empires so that they'd become the most powerful in the world.
Most of the native people of Florida died of disease brought by settlers. What was the main reason why the Spanish settlers established a colony in New Mexico rather than remaining in Florida? Who implemented the Headright system? The Spanish had attempted to keep the Pueblos from practicing their native religion