The three metabolic pathways that make up aerobic respiration are really all parts of one larger pathway because the products of early pathways (like NADH) become <u>utilize</u> in the last one.
Aerobic respiration is that type of respiration in which glucose molecule is broken down into CO2 and H2O in the presence of oxygen and 36 or 38 ATP molecules are produced.
Aerobic respiration complete in four main steps:
1. Glycolysis
In this step glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvate acid along with the production of 2 ATP molecules and 2NADH.
2. Oxidation of pyruvate
In this step pyruvate are oxidized in the presence of co-enzyme A to become Acetyl Co-enzyme A. Again 2NADH are formed in this step.
3. Kreb Cycle
It occus in mitochondria. Here acetyle coenzyme A enter Carbon fixation, reduction and regeneration phase. In this cycle 6 NADH, 2FADH2 and 2ATP are formed.
4. Electron transport chain
All NADH that are produced in above steps get oxidize and help in the production of ATP along with the release of electron and proton that help in the formation of water.
Most of the downsides of recombinant DNA technology are ethical in nature. Some people feel that recombinant DNA technology goes against the laws of nature, or against their religious beliefs, due to how much control this technology gives humans over the most basic buildings blocks of life.
Other ethical concerns also exist. Some people worry that if companies can pay scientists to patent, buy and sell genetic material, then genetic material could become an expensive commodity. Such a system might lead to people having their genetic information stolen and used without permission. It may sound odd, but such cases have already happened. In 1951, a scientist used unique cells stolen from a woman named Henrietta Lacks to create an important cell line (the HeLa cell line) which is still used in medical research today. Her family did not know about her involuntary donation until after her death, and never received compensation, but others have profited from the use of HeLa cells.
Many people worry about the safety of modifying food and medicines using recombinant DNA technology. Although genetically modified foods seem safe in multiple studies, it is easy to see why such fears exist.
Hope this helps
Well, if one of the major species, that a certain animal eat disappeared, then it would effect the animal that ate it. Then, if that animal doesnt get fed, or eat the right things, it will die, and so will the animal that eats it. Its like the domino effect, if one goes down, so does everything else.
~Hoep this helped :)
Option A. they less severely affect the phenotype, so that individuals can reproduce and transmit them
Polymorphism is the genetic variation found within a population, which favors the process of natural selection. It prefer successful traits in population.
While, mutation is the alteration of DNA sequence of an organism. Mutation can cause loss of traits in the population.