citra:1. sl gambar, lukisan, arca. 2. gambaran atau imej peribadi seseorang (barangan, organisasi, dll): yg menarik tentang cerita tersebut ialah usaha Arena Wati utk membina ~ wanita; bercitra memiliki atau mempunyai gambaran tentang peribadi seseorang (barangan dll); citraan kaedah (cara) membentuk gambaran seseorang atau sesuatu; kecitraan hal (sifat) yg berkaitan dgn citra; percitraan perihal bercitra: pelbagai aspek sastera spt tema, plot, ~ dapat menonjolkan ciri-ciri keindahan novel itu. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
nusa :1. pulau: ~ Tenggara; 2. tanah air, tanah tumpah darah: mempertahankan ~ dan bangsa.
It means there is no, this is the name of a school
The Nazianz party was also known as National Socialist party
Arachne is a weaver that boasts she is the best weaver in the universe and that no one can match her skills. This comes back to bite her later when she is put in a cloth making competition with Athena. Arachne, of course, loses and is turned into a spider.
Arachne's characterization foreshadows her fate by her being boastful.
Answer: She is unhappy as a human.
Explanation: She enjoys being Mr.Peters wife but wants to still be a swan deep down.