C. Salt, pepper, and a little bit of onions.
noun is person, place, or thing
pronoun is used for a person in place of their name (he, she, they, xem, etc.) like instead fo saying, "Sam went to the store. Sam enjoyed it very much" you can say "Sam went to the store. <<He>> enjoyed it very much."
adjective describes things like, "that was a <<delicious>>> apple" or "the kitten is very <<fluffy>>"
Indians <u>are </u>known for their hospitality. They feel that guest is a person to be <u>honoured </u>and respected and <u>serving </u>him is a sacred duty. My mother <u>is</u> very particular about <u>keeping </u>things in their proper place, but the moment Mr. Narayan <u>arrived</u>, our guest room as well as our drawing room is in a total mess. He is very unsystematic and <u>throws </u>things here and there. As long as Mr. Narayan is in the house. our whole routine<u> is going to remain </u>upset.
Here, we need to pay attention to the tenses and voice of verbs.
The present simple tense (<em>are, throws</em>) is used to talk about habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements.
The past simple tense (<em>arrived</em>) is used to talk about actions that took place and finished in the past.
The construction <em>is going to + infinitive</em><em> (is going to remain) </em>can be used for predictions based on something we can see or hear now.
Gerunds (<em>serving, keeping</em>) are nouns derived from verbs by adding -ing.
The passive voice (<em>to be honored</em>) is used when we want to emphasize the action and the object of a sentence rather than the subject.
The author balances the suspense in scene 4 with the sadness in scene 5, using foreshadowing.
Foreshadowing is a literary technique where the author advances a situation that will happen later in the narrative. This can be seen in scene 4 where Anne has a dream that her family will be captured by the Nazis. The dream terrifies her and makes her screams wake up everyone who is asleep, the screams provide suspense and an omen about what may happen in the future.
In scene 5, Anne and all the Jews in the secret annex are celebrating hanuka, that's when they hear a noise downstairs and are apprehensive, because they believe the Nazis have found them. This apprehension is related to Anne's dream.
However, over time they discover that he was not a thief, but all the fear they felt changes their desire to celebrate the hanuka and makes everyone saddened by the situation they are living in.
We were jumping rope with our best friend!