The message is understood but the sentence is not well written. You should write "Logos, that is the appeal of logic, consists of persuation backed up with actual observation, data, and facts". While the word Logos can be paraphrased as 'the appeal of logic', it is necessary to clarify the function of Logos in a text. With that purpose in mind, it is neccesary to separate the ideas of persuation from the paraphrase.
This question about your thoughts on differnt types of books, but I will tell you mine. You have to write your own.
I fell like informational texts are boring, but could be interesting. For example, if I am reading a book on the ocean animals. It would be boring, but ineresting at the same time beacsue I am learning something new. Autobiogrephis would be to when you are reading about a really cool person, like an astronought or storm chaser. This is how I feel about informational texts.