Gender refers to the cultural meaning that is ascribed to a person's sex (generally labeled masculine<span> or </span>feminine<span>). </span>Masculinity and femininity<span> are the terms that are often used to identify a set of characteristics, values, and meanings related to gender. is this what you mean
D) Eddie often wears old, tattered shirts.
In an excerpt, Rosa points to Eddie's shirt to show her surprise when she saw a shirt. She points to the shirt because this is something new for Eddie. In short dialogue the reader notice that Eddie often wear sports shirts that are not so clean. He plays football so he can pay much attention to the cleanliness of his shirts.
Read below
It looks like they are talking about their job. They are nicely dressed.
They do not feel the same way. The woman looks angry and the man relaxed.
The man is more relaxed
You can tell he is relaxed because his foot is up, he's leaning back, and his face is calm.
Hope this helped <3
<em><u>Books</u></em> 1. When looking for lots of information on a topic,
<u><em>Encyclopedia</em></u> 2. When looking for background information on a topic,
<u><em>Newspapers</em></u> 3. when looking for current information about international, national and local events.
<u><em>Library Catalog</em></u> 4. When you want to find out what items the library owns relevant to your topic,
<u><em>Journals</em></u> 5. When looking for articles usually written by and for specialists or experts,
1. Directions: Identify the best source that you will use when looking for the needed information. Choose your answer from the words inside the box. Fill in the blanks with your response prior to the number:
If you are deciding on a topic or need background information on a topic, start with an encyclopedia. If you want in-depth coverage of a topic, look for a book. If you are looking for current thinking about a topic, try a magazine or newspaper.