Spender uses a number of different nature symbols in order to convey his feelings about his childhood. He describes the children he was afraid of and bullied by as tigers and dogs, and writes about them being on cliffs, by streams, and behind bushes. These techniques portray the children's actions as animalistic, while drawing the reader into the fear and tension of the speaker.
It uses informal words like,like and so not cool
The gerund phrase in the given sentence would be: Training show dogs. This gerund phrase is used as the direct object. The answer is option B. A gerund is a word that ends in -ing, but functions as a noun. A gerund phrase consists of the gerund plus other words that modifies.
"On December 1955 an African American seamstress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. As she was legally required to do in Montgomery Alabama and many parts of the south. Tired from a hard day at work. Mrs. Parks refused to budge and was arrested, fined, and jailed. Meetings were held at Dexter avenue church, a nonviolent Boycott of the Montgomery bus system began and the Civil Rights movement was born. From the very first Christian ideals were a source of strength for the struggle but Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. gained inspiration from many other sources, including the great Hindu leader Mohandas Gandhi who once said "nothing enduring can be built upon violence”.
It shows that the state in which poor children live is a social complaint, which exists, even if many do not recognize it.
Swift criticizes Irish society in general, in addition to criticizing the deplorable state of dependence that the country lived. However, he reinforces that in addition to all the social problems that Ireland presents, the condition of poor children is an additional complaint, as these children live in a deplorable way, within a kingdom that is already deplorable. In this case, he claims that the cause of these children is a social agenda, often ignored, but that it is present in society and is visible to everyone.