Simplify -3\times -5−3×−5 to 1515.
15=-2\times -20
2 Simplify 2\times -202×−20 to -40−40.
3 Remove parentheses.
4 Since 15=4015=40 is false, there is no solution.
No Solution
Yeah I don’t think I have a good idea but I’m still
Carbon dioxide or CO2 is one of the main greenhouse gases that accelerates global warming.
A greenhouse is a place where a particularly cold or hot climate is maintained.
Scientifics use this analogy with gases like CO2 because what they generate is a coat that keeps the sun's rays inside the oxygen layer, so these rays enter and heat the earth, unable to escape.
Industrial factories and cars are the largest carbon emitters. It all started in the Industrial Revolution
As tectonic plates move things like volcanoes and mountain ridges form. The plates converge causing new physical features to form. They can also move apart creating ridges.