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Short: pull, pool, shoe
long: woman, school, glue
In the climax of the book, Mr Mardsen said that she was a troublemaker and Lyddie denied these complains, he did it again and was fired from the mill.
Lyddie is helping new girls get used to the factory life. She also sticks up for Brigid by dumping a bucket of water on her boss, Mr. Marsden when he tries to becomes inappropriately romantic with Brigid. Mr. Marsden gets Lyddie fired by saying that she has a problem with moral turpitude. This basically means that she is immoral, but since Lyddie does not know what the word means she cannot defend herself. This is a turning point for Lyddie because when she is fired she makes it a point to better educate herself. Since she is not granted a certificate of honorable discharge, she cannot get another job at a mill.
"The prince" was the first book that didn't take politics as something ethical or philosophical. Machiavelli wrote it to Lorenzo di Medici as a "guide" to maintain his power. Ancient philosophers were focused on constucting the ideal state. That means, they mentioned the characteristics of a succesfull monarchy for example, but did not considered the things as they were at that moment. Readers find disturbing the tactics that Machiavelli describes to gain or maintain power as they include making people fear you or destroying your enemies. This book is always resumed with the phrase "The end justifies the means", making it clear that the rulers can do anything to maintain their power.
The controversy is understandable, this books shows how cruel can reality be and how politics scrifice ethics in the name of power. The discussion is still relevant nowadays. How far can politicians go to win an election?