As a commodity, cotton had the advantage of being easily stored and transported. ... Southern cotton, picked and processed by American slaves, helped fuel the nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution in both the United States and Great Britain.
Explanation:i dont know if this is what you needed but this is why it started
The national debt grew rapidly
lowered the price by decreasing expensive stuff in it.
Throughout the mid-1880s, the Northern Pacific pushed to reach Puget Sound directly, rather than by means of a roundabout route that followed the Columbia River. Surveys of the Cascade Mountains, carried out intermittently since the 1870s, began anew.
So, <span>Governor Orval Faubus ordered citizens to "Preserve the Peace" by turning away the black students who were attempting to integrate into Little Rock's </span>Central High School, and President Eisenhower called them to protect the black students.