Removes carbon from air: photosynthesis by plants and algae
Release of carbon into atmosphere: respiration (animals exhale CO2), factory emissions, eruption of volcanoes, hydrothermal vents, and breakdown of organic matter
Release of carbon into the soil: Shells of marine organisms form limestone, and some carbon from decomposing organisms is stored in the soil
*This isn’t every possible pathway but hopefully this will help get you started. I’m going to attach a picture of the carbon cycle (not mine) to help you visualize the process.
A 2nd-century hysteria was caused by the belief that the uterus could move freely within the body in search of fluid and cause specific symptoms depending on the areas the uterus was displaced to. Called the wandering womb disorder, the womb was believed to be a living thing within a living thing.
The Prokaryotic Cell</h3>
Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that lack organelles or other internal membrane-bound structures. Therefore, they do not have a nucleus, but, instead, generally have a single chromosome: a piece of circular, double-stranded DNA located in an area of the cell called the nucleoid.
The uterus is an organ used for producing offspring.
It’s also called a womb, offspring develop within it until they are ready to be born.