Quiero ir a la playa con mis amigos, pero mi mamá quiere ir con la familia.
Answer for No.38
Yes, it is true, it does take more courage to stand up to a friend because they're your friend, once I stood up to a bully that was picking on my friend, the next day, my friend was picking on a kid, I didn't want to tell him to stop, but I did anyway beacasue the little guy was a 9th grader, and I didn't want him to get caught up in my friends business so I pulled my friend off of him and said sorry for the way my friend was acting, I told him the story on he got bullied, after the story, I asked my friend why he bulled the little kid. He said "Im tired of this stuff" I guess he was tired of the bullying that was affecting him as a person. So this school year, im trying to change my friend's life so he doesn't have a bad one
The song, as Cohen wrote it, is rich with references to Jewish Scriptures, including further references to former shepherd and now King David and his stolen love Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11 v 2). David's fall from God's favour to his eventual restoration to God as one of Israel's most famous kings.
Seriously, a 300 word essay on Brainly? People on here are super lazy and wouldn't even do it for 100 points ( believe me, which I've tried) let alone 5 points.
Good luck
answer is to the question is CALLED