The answer is supplicate: ask. Imply and hint are synonyms, but hint implies speaking. Supplicate means to generally to ask for something, but "ask" involves the actual speaking.
Deer are ruminants, meaning they are equipped with a four chambered. stomach. They have a digestive system, which makes it necessary for them. to chew, regurgitate and chew again their cud: they ruminate.
On october 19, 2020 a cyclist was hit by a car,he had to be in the hospital for about a year. Now that he is out he is going to sue to get money for his hospital damages.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this table is option D “Nearly twice as many people were executed between 2000-2006 then between 1990-1996.” In the period between 1990-1996, 238 people were executed whereas in the period between 2000-2006, 459 people were executed so the number doubled between one period and the other.
Option A is incorrect since the data included not only black and white people but all races.
Option B is also incorrect since there was not significant increase in executions between 1993 and 1994.
Option C is incorrect since the chart does not include the information about the age of executed people.