2. Un dispositivo móvil diseñado y construido por los alumnos de física es autopropulsado por la corriente de aire que sale de u
n globo inflado. Calcula la fuerza que impulsa hacia adelante al dispositivo si partiendo del reposo alcanza una velocidad de 3 m/s en un tiempo de 5 segundos. Calcula también la fuerza de reacción que ejerce el piso sobre las llantas del dispositivo si la masa de este es de 4 kilogramos. No consideres la fricción entre el piso y las llantas del dispositivo. Calcula nuevamente los valores anteriores si los alumnos deciden agregar al móvil un pasajero con masa igual a 0.5 kg y compara los resultados
According to Newton's third law of motion, when air is pushed back out of the balloon (out of the end through the opening), there must be an equal and opposite reaction force pushing the balloon forward (the end opposite the opening). When you let a balloon go on its own, it tends to fly randomly around the room, and is nearly impossible to steer. However, when you attach the balloon to a car, you can harness the energy of the balloon to propel the car. The engineering objective in this project will be to design, build and test a car that it is powered by nothing but a balloon. You want to design your car so that it can travel the greatest distance as far as possible.
It means,
What is green with horns and jump high, but if you are looking for something that is green and jumps high, that would be the The horned frog, or a bullfrog with horns