1, 2: there are no taxes on brought in gods, the money, the workforce and the goods can stream within the borders of the EU freely and in this way the whole EU is more competitive in an international level
3,4:the western part of the EU more developed due to the inherited capitalist economy and Marshall plan by the USA, while the post communist more backward because of the ex communist industrial economy and because of the fact that they had to change to capitalist
Not all the countries have euro within the EU just the more developed nations with few exceptions like Sweden and therfore the EU is not united in this front as well
The circle with diameter of 24 means that 2

r = 24.
Solving for r, we get

Dividing both sides by

, we get r=24/

The area of the full circle is

times 24 squared over

. The

being multiplied cancels out, meaning that 24 squared over

is the area of the full circle. 24 squared is 576, and dividing by 16 we get

as the answer.
<span>The Global Surface Temperature is Rising
</span>NOAA states:<span>Many lines of scientific evidence show the Earth's climate is changing. This page presents the latest information from several independent measures of observed climate change that illustrate an overwhelmingly compelling story of a planet that is undergoing global warming. It is worth noting that increasing global temperature is only one element of observed global climate change. Precipitation patterns are also changing; storms and other extremes are changing as well.
There are three main reasons why people are concerned that cell phones (also known as “mobile” or “wireless” telephones) might have the potential to cause certain types of cancer or other health problems:
Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. Tissues nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy.
The number of cell phone users has increased rapidly. As of December 2014, there were more than 327.5 million cell phone subscribers in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. This is a nearly threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000. Globally, the number of subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion.
Over time, the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased. However, improvements in cell phone technology have resulted in devices that have lower power outputs than earlier models.
Police help people. Just some don't always make the best decisions or choices.