Mental illnesses of short duration are generally considered to be "acute".
In medicine, portraying a sickness as acute signifies that it is of brief term and, as a result of that, of recent beginning. The quantitation of how much time comprises "short" and "recent" shifts by infection and by setting of the disease, however the main meaning of "acute" is in every case subjectively in opposition with "chronic", which indicates an old and long sickness.
(A.) The legislative branch
The legistrative branch in America primary power is to make the country's laws. This branch is further divided into two other Chambers which are The House of Representatives and The Senate. The members who are to act in this two Chambers are elected by the people.
In order to pass an act for bill approval by the president both houses must pass the same version of bill by majority vote, after which the president then decides if to sign or reject the bill according to the veto power given by the constitution.
The relatively common phrase, "Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones". If you live in a glass castle, is it wise to point out the weaknesses of another king/queen who live have their own problems and weaknesses? The simple answer is no, if you start insulting, judging, or "throwing stones" at others, your glass castle will likely be broken or shattered by someone (throwing stones) pointing out your weaknesses, faults, mistakes when judging you