This would be Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge meant well, but left business and practically all financial matters to the whims of the market, which led to the Great Depression.
It means one of the secrets of success is the ability to understand people well. Which could also translate to having a high EQ (Emotional Quotient).
The success being talked about here is not only Financial but also Individual/Personal success (i.e when a person is generally happy and feels fulfilled).
Seeing things from the other person's view point helps you to understand why he/she behaves thinks and reacts to things the way they do. When you understand other people's emotions as well as your own, you : are able to make better, objective and intentional decisions in every aspect of your life, whether personal or at the workplace; become more confident; and have healthier relationships. This brings all-round success.
It was "Karl Marx" who envisioned a classless society, with common people in charge of their destiny, since this was the basis of communism, which came to fruition most famously in the Soviet Union.
Immigrants- people who leave their native country
Emigrants- people who come to live in a new country
Population trend- changes in population over a period of time
Natural increase- the difference between the birth and death rate
Immigration is described as the flow of people from their home country to another.
Emigrants defined as people who leave their own country to settle permanently in another. The reason for the settlement in other country is to get facilities and jobs.
Population trend refers to changes over time and can include changes in population over time.
Natural increase term refers to the difference between the numbers of births and deaths in a population.
During world war 2? They were started to get weaker when the Americans and Russians started in. Many of the high ranking Nazi went into hiding. They were struggling for a long time before they did.