The religious group that did not expand their membership by great numbers during the Second Great Awakening was Catholics. The Second Great Awakening in the United States started in 1790 and ended in 1840
here is a long answer
Change champions are individuals within an organization that volunteer or are selected to facilitate change. The champion is an active member within the change management project during all of its stages (Thompson, Estabrooks & Degner, 2004).
Greek literature focused mainly on mythology, science, math, and philosophy. Many famous philosophical stories came from the Greeks and Romans. For example plato and Socrates. There was also a lot of important scientific discovery’s in that time! Such as Aristotle who founded zoology!
So most of Greek literature was focused on three things, education, religion, and philosophy.
I hope this is helpful!
The number one cost is the amount of lives lost. At least 600,000 people died during the civil war. A human life has no price. So no other cost comes close to the amount of deaths that occurred because of the grueseom civil war. (I DONT HAVE THE ANALYZE IT PASSAGE SO I CAN'T PUT QUOTES.)
The war was costlier for the North. Even though they won, and they got what they wanted. And the south lost their slaves, the North paid way more in human lives. (Add quotes. If you don't have differences in human lives lost, just mention slaves were lost by south)
With the financing, transportation, equipment, food, and men in place, the United States was ready to enter the war. The next piece the country needed was public support.