All of them!
The outsiders book (In my sentiment) Is a book to assist individuals with understanding others lives. The socs have it nearly as terrible as the greasers. Individuals in the socs are misinterpreted in light of the fact that every one of them arent the equivalent. Also, obviously the greasers are misconceived in light of the fact that they are looked down on as "Poor people"
This is normally how a conversation takes place between parents and their child while asking for permission.
The phone rings and Rohan’s mother picks up the call.
Rohan (son) : Mom I need to ask you something.
Mother: What is it son?
Rohan: Mom you known that I’m at my friend’s place for his birthday celebration. . .
Mother : Yes. So? What’s the matter?
Rohan : So can I just stay at my friend’s house for tonight?
Mother : No. I’ve permitted you to go at his party, but I can’t permit you to stay at his place.
Rohan : Mom please mom, it is my friend who insisted me to stay by. Rest of my friends are also staying, and their parents even agreed.
Mother : Fine. You may stay, but make sure you don’t involve in any kind of mischievous behavior. And be back tomorrow early morning. You get that?
Rohan : Yes mom. Thank you so much. You’re the best mom.
And they hung up the call !!
A. The narrator constantly struggles between a dreamlike state and reality.
can you show us the pic to see what its about?
please ty but show us a pic to see what the queston is about
It's B. Did she say, "Your mother called?"
The "end mark" is always before the quotation marks.
Yet, I have a feeling you know this already...just want to hurry and get this assessment done; right?