The English class will only start on Wednesday.
- Correct decision:
E). Mario should not use the source.
- Justification:
H). It has not been peer reviewed.
While conducting research, it is necessary to ensure the credibility of the sources as it may affect the worth or significance of the research. In order to ensure the reliability of the source, peer-reviewed sources are considered scholarly and authentic, as it contains information written or approved by a team of experts.
In the given situation, Mario should be suggested, not to use the source with a justification that it has not been peer-reviewed that implies, it has not been reviewed by the experts. This makes the source less reliable and hence should not be used for the research.
How onions got there flavor and
Color. By:victoria purvis
A long time ago there lived a hateful king and queen. One day the king decided to make the national kingdom food onions. He said “they and sweet, healthy, and bright blue.”
When the little onion family heard this they were terrified. The father onion of this family said to his wife and seven daughters “ it will all be ok i’ll go and speak with the king.”
So early the next day his wife packed him food and water and kissed him goodbye as he set off on his long trip. When mr.onion got to the palace he asked to see the king about an important matter. When mr.onion finally got to see the king he said “ please oh, please change the national food I do not wish for me and my family to die.” The king replied by saying “ NO, onions are sweet, healthy, and best of all bright blue.”
Mr onion left sadly and suddenly he remembered the wizard who help those who believed in him. So he went to the wizards large fine wood cabin and said “oh great one me and my family are in trouble do to the king please, oh please help me.” The nice wizard simply said “ I shall help you, but you know the rules you must trust me.” Mr. onion said “ yes of course great one.” The wizard started to chant and all of a sudden Mr. onion started to feel weird so he looked in the mirror and there he was as white as can be.
The wizard said “ now no one will eat you for you are plain and sour. Mr.Onion said his thanks and started to travel home. By the time he got there the king had changed his mind and the onion family was safe.
As Mr. onion grew older he started to wonder what would have happened if he hadn’t trusted the wizard, what would have happened? He just said to himself “ you always have to trust one another to be happy.” and in his case safe to. So the onion family lived happily ever after.
It is important to have a primary source and a secondary source because it allows you to set up the writing and add information to support or disagree with the topic. If you were reading two books and you were planning on comparing/contrasting them using a specific topic, those two books would be your primary sources. The primary sources are the bulk of the writing while the secondary sources add on in support with your argument. Secondary sources would be source outside of your primary sources (Internet, magazines, newspapers, etc). Primary source is the main source. Secondary source is the source outside of your main source. Secondary sources are usually used to give your paper more factual evidence or things of that source.
that older generation of people thought it was too loud or dissrespectful