Dallas wasn't the happiest so I think that breaking laws takes his mind off of things and helps him take out his anger
These foreign elements could mean that the folk song originated or evolved during colonial times. Bahay Kubo tells of a family living in a small nipa hut, surrounded by a garden filled with vegetables. It is a song that celebrates the bounty of our land.Jun 4, 2014
I’m guessing it wants you to fill in two major key signatures like D major and C major also with two minor key signatures like A minor and B minor. I picked those key signatures because A minor is the same as C major but it starts on A and D major and B minor is the same but it starts on B
Li Hongbo is best known for his lifelike paper sculptures, made entirely out of paper and glue. His work has been exhibited in museums around the world.
I don’t like that here is no harmonious tone between the to colours. I also hate that the picture is not exactly expressing a certain feeling or telling a story through the imagery