A) because the definition of popular sovereignty is a doctrine in which the government is created by and subject to the will of the people.
Committee of public safety
George Washington was considered to be the country's first federalist President. He was supportive of a sole government which centralized power and decided over the matters that concerned all of the states.
Within the first months of his presidency, Congress created executive departments like the Department of Treasury, State, War, and the Postmaster General. Washington proceeded to appoint Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State, among other figures.
The Federal government proved to be not as strong as it should. This was proven with the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794. In order to raise money to pay the national debt, Congress imposed a tax on distilled spirits, which farmers considered to be unfair. Threats were placed against tax collectors. As a response to this, the government summoned the federal army. However, it was too small and had to retreat against the state militias.
New England colonists felt their win over the allied Native American tribes was a sign from God that they were destined to settle and be prosperous in the Americas. New England settlers used the war as a reason to retaliate against Native Americans and to treat them poorly. The war proved to colonists that the Indians were violent and lacking the ability to be civilized.
King Philip's War was a war against the New England colonists. This war brought together a few tribes with the Wampanoag tribe leading the charge. The tribes were tired of being connected to the English and this was their final attempt to get rid of the English settlers. Some other tribes joined the English in the battles and the English settlers were victorious in the end. Those on the losing side either fled for protection or were enslaved by the colonists. Those remaining from the enemy side were treated poorly and with the leader King Philip being beheaded for his part in the war.
Texas - Father Eusebio Francisco Kino
California - Junipero Serra