The answer is interest. whenever you take a car loan from a bank or a financial institution, you always have to pay interest on the amount borrowed or the principal amount. the interest is how the financial institution or bank will earn through lending money
Both approaches fulfill a need in the market and aim to earn a sustainable profit. The main difference is that social entrepreneurship focuses beyond simply generating a profit, and measures its performance on the positive impact the business makes on society – whether social, cultural or environmental.
The implication of sharing confidential material information is about having to keep a certain thing private in a way that it should be remained secret and hidden unless it has been given consent by the person who holds the privacy to be told to another party. It is not release carelessly and should be handled with care as it should be kept by the person withholding the information.
Price elasticity of demand is defined by Change in Quantity demanded / Change in Price.
Tom ordered 10 gallons of gas without asking about the price. This means that no matter the price, Tom orders the same quantity of gas (quantity demanded does not change with price). His demand is perfectly inelastic, or 0.
Jerry orders $10 worth of gas. This means that no matter how much it gives him, Jerry will pay $10. The price elasticity of demand depends on how much the price changes by.
For example, if price doubles from $5/gal to $10/gal, demand falls by 50% (2 gallons to 1 gallon), making his price elasticity -0.5
If the price increase 10% from $10/gal to $10.10/gal, demand falls 1% from 1 gal to .99 gallons, making his price elasticity -0.1
The correct answer is A.
GDP consists of all FINAL goods and services, and the only way it can be measured is through market prices.