1. You'll be healthier.
2. You'll reduce your risk of death.
3. You will be more likely to keep a good job.
4. You can preserve your relationships.
5. You'll have more money.
6. You will gradually regain the ability to feel real, authentic emotions once again.
7. People will like you better.
8. A better mindset, and probably better opportunities for jobs.
Shakespeare teaches us moderns that in the face of an uncertain world, self-awareness — that much-vaunted leadership quality — is only worthy of the name when it is revelatory. And it can only be revelatory when we are willing to concede that we know ourselves only partially.
The media has all control over society. Everyone is addicted to it. That means they can say whatever they want and people will believe it. If all media sources fell into the hands of one person or group they make things up that are crazy. If they make things up that are crazy people will all watch it. Most of the people will believe this. With more people watching it, they make more money. It's possible they might tell the truth, but that's a low percent.
If it does not contain Carbon.