A. Romanticism--an intellectual and artistic movement focused on nature.
Romanticism focused on nature and emotion instead of the rational thinking that came from the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution. Romanticism believed in the beauty of nature and criticized the damage done by the Industrial Revolution. The poem expresses one who has love for all things both man and animal which shows a respect for natural elements.
The answer will be New Testament
Well, the cartoonist is actually critical of Hitler in the drawing. The cartoonist is satirizing the appeasing position that many people had with Hitler, perhaps out of fear, but most likely out of hidden sympathy that with time became more and more explicit until the point that many people came out as Nazi supporters in the end.
The cartoonist is bringing attention to the dangers of initial appeasing a tolerant position to totalitarian regimes like national socialism, because this attidues can easily turn into political affiliation.
I don’t have idea but thank u for the points!
He put an African American girl on the stand to testify about the school she went to