sans said it was Ksiatriyas as In "Nectar in a Sieve", Rukmani's family belongs to the Vaishyas class of the caste system in India. Since they are farmers and farmers belong to this part of the caste system. There are four major classes in the caste system, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Lastly, the untouchables. as the last person said it was kinda right just add an answer though
Answer: (B ) The word "But" should not be capitalized.
Can you upload a picture of what you're talking about?
Somebodys probably getting married
The people are helping her wit her dress
A little kid eating a hot dog
A guy is holding a camera probably to take pictures of everything.
Her husband probably bought her a new car because i see a wrapping bow on the car.