D. Because it applies that it would be lame to be the only one left. So you should follow your friends.
The dog looked at me and said, "I'm hungry."
Personification is giving human traits to non-human entities.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Commencement Speech to the American University... From my poetry and years before when I began writing stories as a kid in little notebooks. ... And spellings, which means the text messages don't count. ... When you've been immersed in reading here at the AU for the last few years.
In the sentence “The accountant desires to be honest rather than rich”, the type of verbal is “infinitive”. The infinitive form of a verb is preceded by the preposition “to” which in this case is “to be”.
A gerund is a verbal acting as a noun and it is form by “verb+ing”. A participle is a verbal acting as an adjective and it is formed by past form of verb. So in this case the only answer that applies is “infinitive”