The cell membrane or plasma membrane is a biological and thin semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell
Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments and microtubules
Three distinct elements make up the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells are:
1. Microfilaments or actin filaments which are composed of actin proteins. The functions of those filaments are: muscle contraction (myosin heads move “walk” on actin filaments), the movement of the cell, intracellular transport, maintaince of the cell shape..
2. Intermediate filaments which can be made of vimentins, keratin, lamin, desmin… Their functions are: the maintenance of cell shape, anchoring organelles, structural components of the nuclear lamina, cell-cell and cell-matrix junctions…
3. Microtubules are filaments polymers of alpha and beta tubulin. Their roles are in intracellular transport (associated with motor protein dyneins and kinesins), formation of the axoneme of cilia and flagella, formation of the mitotic spindle.
There are 12 chromosomes contain at the end of meiosis II. The events of meiosis II are most similar to
mitosis, Meiosis replaces gametes for sexual reproduction. Meiosis sexual t is
a Type of reproduction. Meiosis is a Replication
of DNA.
The correct answer would be A.) Urinary Bladder
B is the answer. Typing more bc character limit