His opponent was looking for his Achilles’ heel to beat him.
The property tycoon named his housing society Eden Garden.
The decision of the apex court would certainly open Pandora’s Box.
His best friend now considered him Brutus due to his recent betrayal.
Blake’s fellow students call him Einstein for his genius.
The ship sank like a Titanic.
The renowned scholar suffered from narcissism.
Tony Buzan is called the Stephen Hawking of mind sciences.
The young writer was rightly called the Shakespeare of modern times.
The young scientist was called Newton by his colleagues.
He was called Hamlet because of his procrastinating habits.
The prices have gone so high that a common thing like wheat has become forbidden fruit.
An apple fell on his head but he discovered nothing.
To climb Mount Everest in winter was a Herculean task.
The film was based on the hero’s platonic love.
Allusion Examples in Poetry
'Those who tried to find answers to their own questions later became great philosophers, scientists, thinkers or writers. This statement is 100 percent true. Why did the famous scientist Newton fall from an apple tree? Why didn't they go upstairs? ' Such questions arose. He addressed these questions. From that came the discovery of gravity. Swami Vivekananda used to ask many three questions. 'Is there a God ?, have you seen it ?, will you show it to me?' He did not get the answers, but Vivekananda did not give up. They kept searching. After coming in the company of Ramakrishna Paramahansa, he got true knowledge. Pude Swami Vivekananda became famous as a philosopher and thinker.
The answer is A i briliev:)