As he nears his place of execution, a third and final fall begs the
question: Why would Jesus get up? Why would he summon his last ounce
of energy to deliver himself to the pain of the cross? Falling three times;
getting up three times. Dying on the cross; rising from the grave. Christ
shows us that he can transform weakness, failings, and death into the glory of self-gift.
You would say please in Spanish as "por favor"
Грамматическая основа: (кто?) Медведь (что сделал?) вылез, отряхнулся, ушёл. (т.е. сочетание этих слов НЕ является словосочетанием)
Словосочетания: вылез (куда?) на берег, отряхнулся (как?) как следует, ушёл (куда?) обратно