The reason why "good vs. evil" is a universal theme is because there are always two forces at work one for good and one for evil and for every good/evil thing there is an evil/good thing that will go up against each other until the end of time or at least until one of them is defeated, but then another good/evil thing will appear to take it place.
Example 1:
Your in high school and there is a bully and you try to stop the bully from hurting others. This makes you the good force and the bully the evil force (he/she doesn't have to be "evil" per-say just bad or mean will do).
In my opinion, I think animals shouldnt be kept in zoos because zoos dont provide good natural habitats and can put unnecessary stress on the animals. For example, zoos dont have the right facilities for hibernation animals and big animals like elephants. Zoos can be too small and limited for the elephants. Because their habitat isnt big enough to migrate, this can change their behavior and can lead to aggression. Also, zoos to people are for entertainment so animals are captured and is put into poor habitats with poor conditions and separated from other animals of their own.
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