What can a producer gain by specializing? Absolute advantage
When someone specializes in their field, they being an expert in that subject. Absolute advantage is the ability of a person or group to carry out an economic activity better than another. If someone focuses on it and specializes in one area, they are more likely to create an absolute advantage in that area.
The word that comes in blank space is "Prejudice".
Prejudice, a full of feeling towards a man or gathering part construct exclusively with respect to their gathering enrollment. we can also define prejudice as it is a biased supposition that did not depend on reason or genuine encounter, mischief or damage that outcomes or may come about because of some activity.
Some of the contracts include;
Land-contracts related to land sale, mortgage and purchasing real estate must be in writing.
other contracts include,contracts to be responsible for someone else's debt,contracts last more than a year,sales of goods in excess of $500.
B: Developing the noh form of theater.