1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. e
6. f
1. You shouldn't <u><em>bottle up </em></u>your feelings; now, tell me what's wrong.
2. I was going to go bungee jumping, but then I <u><em>chickened out!</em></u>
3. <u><em>Cheer up!</em></u> Things will be better tomorrow, I'm sure of it.
4. I really <u><em>freaked out</em></u> when I saw that huge spider in the bathroom!
5. The little boy <u><em>burst into </em></u> tears when his favorite toy broke.
6. Please <u><em>calm down </em></u> and tell me what happened.
</span><span>Then suddenly the singer threw up his face, straightened his tubby figure, rose upon his tiptoes, and with wagging head and scarlet cheeks emitted such a howl as the same dog might have given had his growl been checked by a kick from his master.
Every Greek was a trained critic, and as unsparing in his hisses as he was lavish in his applause.
Many a singer far better than this absurd fop had been driven amid execration and abuse from the platform.</span>
The door slamming shut after Nora's departure is very significant.
“A Doll's House” by “Henrik Ibsen” is a story about “Nora” who is portrayed as a submissive wife of 19th century whose life revolves around her husband Torvald and the children. But the turning point comes in her life when she is abused by her husband over a blackmail threat by Krogstad.
She reached a breaking point and decided to end her marriage in the final scene. She was no longer worried about being exposed for forging her father's signature on the loan application. The slamming of the door signifies independence of the woman and her liberation in the coming age. Even a wife like Nora could revolt against the dominating husband of a patriarchal society. Emergence of Feminism is the metaphoric significance of slamming of the door by Nora at the end. Theatrically audience hears the sound of the door slamming.
All these aspects signify literary, theatrical and historical significance of the slamming of the door.
Answer: They were flushed out by a larger force
Explanation:Ogé and his rebels were flushed out by a larger force of professional soldiers and forced across the border into the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo. On 20 November 1790, Ogé and 23 of his associates, including Jean-Baptiste Chavannes, were captured in Hinche, then part of the Spanish controlled part of Hispaniola. They surrendered after receiving guarantees of safety, but the Spanish authorities nevertheless returned Ogé and his men to the colonial government of de Blanchelande in Le Cap.
Vincent Ogé was brutally executed by being broken on the wheel in the public square in Le Cap on 6 February 1791