A change in interest rates is one way to make that correspondence happen. A fall in interest rates increases the amount of money people wish to hold, while a rise in interest rates decreases that amount. A change in prices is another way to make the money supply equal the amount demanded.
Answer: This position supports NURTURE.
Explanation: This position supports NURTURE because it has to do with learning words which occurs due to observations.
Learning words is an act of nurturing through imitation which can be defined as the environmental influences that contribute to the development of an individual as opposed to nature in which has to do with the genes of a person.
Language is a construct that humans have developed, not something that is determined by our genetic material.
I believe the answer is: <span>deindividuation
</span><span>deindividuation refers to the process when an individual lost his/her sense of awareness within a social group.
</span>This happen because most people would feel less judgement and constraint if they belonged to a group that accepted them as who they are.