A deck of card is made up of 4 suits: clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades. each suit has 13 cards ranging from: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1
Amiraneli [1.4K]
The probability of drawing a 7 or 8 from a decl of playing cards is 2/13.
keeping in mind that standard form for a linear equation means
• all coefficients must be integers, no fractions
• only the constant on the right-hand-side
• all variables on the left-hand-side, sorted
• "x" must not have a negative coefficient

All you have to do to solve this question is to plug in gx as any other number you would plug in to the f(x) to solve the equation.
So it would be
F(3x-8) = 3(3x-8)^2 - 5(3x-8) - 9
Then FOIL the terms in the binomial or the first term, then after expanding the first term, distribute the numbers into each term inside the bracket and then at the end gather like terms to simplify.
Step-by-step explanation:
8 - (10^2)