when using a dark background for presentations you should use bright colors to contrast with it
this makes the informations much easier to see and read for example white text on black background
A Network is definitely a Tree when any of the below properties matched.
A Network is synonym for connected graph. Connected graph is a graph is a path which will connect from vertex to vertex.
A Tree is a network that has no circuit. network can be differed from tree by three key properties
1. Single path property - one path connecting two vertices
2. All bridges property - every edge of a network is a bridge
3. N-1 edges property - N vertices has N-1 edges
To determine this we use to N-1 edges property as given number of vertices and no bridges.
If a network has 15 vertices it must have 15-1= 14 edges to become a tree
E. New technology is beneficial but can also be used in a detrimental way.
New technology such as cryptocurrency (powered by blockchain technology) can be regarded as a welcome development that has benefited the society in so many good ways. However, cryptocurrency as a new technology also has disadvantages it presents to the society. One of such negative influence cryptocurrency has is that it can be used for illicit activities such as money laundering, funding terrorism and so on.
So, in summary, we can conclude that:
"New technology is beneficial but can also be used in a detrimental way."
C. Footer
A footer is typically found at the bottom of all web pages and it comprises of information such as disclaimers, copyright, legal which are displayed visibly for all visitors to see.
Generally, a website footer is the direct opposite of a website header in relation to positioning or location; a footer is always found at the bottom while a header is always found at the top of a web page.
Since Mikayla is researching copyright information for the images found on a website, she should access the website footer because it primarily provides information about the legal name of the company that owns the website and information about what country they're located in, as well as links to other relevant resources such as call to action, maps, contact forms, newsletter signup etc.