From 2007 to 2016 the correct answer would've been Caracas, Venezuela. With a longitude of 66° 56' W.
Their timezone at that time was GMT-4.5, which means they'd be four and a half hours behind GMT.
As of 2021, there are no countries using that timezone for international trade and travel.
Had to make some assumptions. If no other context is given, then this would be the correct answer.
Explanation:mashup has several meanings. it used to describe songs that meshed two different styles of music into one song.
It is also used to describe videos that have been compiled using different clips from multiple sources.
mashup also describes a Web application that combines multiple services into a single application.
A) a cycle has begun in which personal computer users
Option A as already used in the question fits and and completes the question correctly, this is because the because the writter is trying to communicate a new 'era', 'dispensention', 'period' or 'season'.... this is appropriately communicated with the word 'cycle'.
True, personalization is definitely part of this.