The women folklorico wear is a ranchero design dress with unmistakable Indian influenced bright colored ribbons. This is the national representation for Mexican dance as is the Mexican hat dance which comes from this state.
acquire their culture.
Culture can be defined as the general way of life of a group of people living together in a particular location or society.
Basically, culture comprises of beliefs, values, behaviors, language, dressing, cuisine, music, symbols, arts, social habits, knowledge, customs, laws pertaining to a particular group of people living together in a society.
This ultimately implies that, culture are acquired and passed from one generation to another.
Hence, enculturation refers to how people acquire their culture. Thus, enculturation is a process that typically involves acquiring or teaching people living together in a particular society the accepted norms and values of an established culture.
According to the amendment, the federal government has only those powers specified by the Constitution. These powers include the ability to declare war, collect taxes, control interstate commerce, and others specified in the articles.