A monopoly is complete domination over an industry. Ex. Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc.
When monopolies exist, competion is usually low because they can use vertical/horizontal integration and other methods many may consider "unethical"
dancer is true to become financially responsible you need to accept that you are accountable for your financial future
I'd say a command economy.
I know a command economy tells people what to buy.
I may be wrong, if I am, I'm so sorry!
B, to escape religious persecution in their native countries
During the 1600s, many people in Europe were being unfairly persecuted due to religion, so to gain religious freedom, they immigrated to America. This is why religious freedom is one of the first things guaranteed in the United States Bill of Rights.
One advantage of having representation from districts within a state is that it allows for each of the smaller districts views to be expressed. This is important because i representative of a mostly city district near the mountians is not likely to know what a rural district needs.