So I think at this point its quite clear... The American Dream has died... it was buried back sometime between 1955 and 1995 depending on who you talk to...But one thing is for certain, which is that its never coming back; not in its more traditional white picket fence, and solid corporate job form anyhow. And I for one am ecstatic....! Not for the total lack of economic security aspect, (which is distressing) but for the fact that people will be forced for once in their lives to try and define what it is that they really want out of life. Hope this helps!
There is a written record that somebody named “Ahlers” knew about Frank's hiding spot and how they had gone into hiding. Ahlers reportedly told his older brother, Cas, that he had betrayed the Franks during the war.
The correct answer should beThrough primrose-tufts, in that sweet bower,The periwinkle trail’d its wreathes;
Alliteration is when words in the same sentence begin with the same consonant and here we have "through, tufts, the, that, trail'd" as well as "primrose, periwinkle".
Many scientists believe that the roofs of these houses were made from whale ribs and the bones of other animals. the region did not have enough food for them during the colder seasons.